Why are Helicopter Round Ups of Wild Horses Illegal?


Dr. Lester Friedlander DVM
Former USDA Veterinarian & Whistle Blower
Board member WHOA

President Citizens Against Equine Slaughter

The WHOA National Plan –

Petition for WHOA National Plan http://chng.it/M7LTBhTzgk

WHOA’s president Patience O’Dowd is also the founding Board member of Citizens Against Equine Slaughter.


I am the president of Citizens Against Equine Slaughter (CAES) a national 501c3 non-profit based in Oregon.

I Dr. Lester Friedlander DVM BA of Bradford County Pennsylvania do swear under penalty of perjury that the following statements are true to the best of my knowledge:

The purpose of CAES is as follows:


Stop the practice of equine slaughter and protect equines from cruel and harmful practices; Monitor the governments land use and resource management activities, as well as the impacts of agency decisions on equines;

Inform and educate the public about the decisions and activities of government agencies affecting equines; Work with the government, the public, and all interested parties to promote sound policies and laws that protect equines.

This is prominently displayed at our website at citizensagainstequineslaughter.org

Without a contraceptive biologic such as the imuno-contraceptive native PZP, wild mares can be pregnant year-round. They are polyestrous and usually become pregnant between Spring and Fall. However, they can become pregnant late into fall and winter and they carry their foals for eleven months.  Hence, they can easily be in any stage of pregnancy at any time of year.

Prior to a Helicopter round up:

  • There is no separation of pregnant wild mares and this is not even practical.
  • There is no separation of newly born foals and this is not practical.
  • There is no separation of sick old or sick young foals and this is not practical.
  • There is no separation of injured wild horses and this is not practical.
  • There is no method to ensure the very young can keep up or not wear their new hooves.  
  • Helicopters have generally been used for quick round ups in remote areas as was the Muddy Creek round-up.
  • There are deaths caused by roundup en masse generally reported by the BLM as at 1% however in the GAO report below it is clear that is not a full reporting of deaths due to helicopter roundups. See Attachment II. There were 362 deaths due to, or related to, helicopter roundups between 2005 and 2007 of those reported.
  • At the Muddy Creek Round up, both the Price Field office staff and the contractors left immediately after the round up and did not search for affected stragglers, injured, or dead as reported in the affidavit by CAES member Laurie McKline.
  • At the Muddy Creek Round as with the other BLM roundups upon information and belief, there were reportedly no cameras reported as utilized to the public and no cameras utilizing GPS as reported to the public on the helicopter/s.
  • The public is discouraged or not allowed to be out on the HMA during the round ups and are guarded by law enforcement agents.

These points are simple fact. There is no significant, or across the board categorization and sorting of wild horses prior to a helicopter round up. Wild Mares can and do give birth year-round.

Given the above first 7 points alone, Helicopter roundups are by definition, and in practice, inhumane, harassing and extreme animal cruelty as they generally utilize stampede under terror of wild horses and their families over rough terrain for miles. They can and do cause deaths during and after round ups. Many of these deaths are not documented or discovered, and many are.

There are no cameras, no transparency, and no post roundup discovery over or near the route taken to look for injured or dead horses or their young and aborted.

Only the Secretary of the Interior can authorize a round up by helicopter as clearly, this is a very dangerous situation for the wild horses. However, there is no legal right to condone extreme animal cruelty, harassment and death as wild horses are not livestock and Congress has not allowed treatment as livestock or even less.

Given the availability of feasible and scientifically recommended alternatives per the NAS Report (contraception) which can be utilized proactively, there is little excuse for the unfeasible and highly probable unbridled harassment and death against the intent of the 1971 Act and the will of the people.

There is a preponderance of evidence of use of motorized vehicles and closed gates, water removals, spikes, cover-ups etc. which tend to show that the remaining wild horses at the Price HMA at Muddy Creek are in imminent danger of death by imposed lack of water and by irresponsible and illegal management actions, as shown in our memberships affidavits.  

Wild horses are flight animals but that means only that they spook easily, it means in fact that they are not comfortable with aircraft swooping down on them and terrorizing them for long periods over long distances over various terrains at speed essentially on a crowded and dangerous unimproved highway situation with young and old etc.

I myself have taken the class on darting wild horses (and other mammals) with native Porcine Zona Pelucida (PZP) (now registered as Zona Stat H, by the EPA), at the Science and Conservation Center in Billings Montana from the late Dr. Jay Kirkpatrick himself.

Wild horses are easily herded or lure trapped for darting one family at a time

and they can be darted without trapping up to 50 meters away.  The usual excuse given for not utilizing native PZP is basically, how can we cover all the remote areas?

Importantly, wildlife is very often darted from helicopter for a variety of reasons.  This is often done by a veterinarian or a biologist etc. This is done throughout the United States as well as across the continent of Africa for decades.

I have also been a trainer of Veterinarians at the USDA and am familiar with slaughtering issues. I am profoundly against horse slaughter for humane reasons as horse slaughter also cannot be accomplished humanely. I mention this because it is also illegal to slaughter a pregnant mare even in Mexico, hence, pregnant mares are rejected at the border for slaughter for human consumption.

Therefore, wild horses often pregnant are therefore not suitable or legal in either wild horse slaughter or for a helicopter round up. Both are extreme animal cruelty.

A helicopter can be more humanely and feasibly used for darting of immunocontraception which is brief, feasible, and the helicopter does not swoop down on the horses as seen here in Attachment I at Muddy Creek and all other helicopter roundups.

There are big differences between darting wild horses from a helicopter with contraception and then leaving them on the range to live out their lives, versus a helicopter stampede round-up and managing the HMAs as breeding grounds akin to Puppy Mills while torturing them and complaining about their birth rate, ignoring the will of the people, the law, and wasting the taxpayers money.


    Darting from Helicopter vs Helicopter round up.


1.  A mare will only be chased for seconds to minutes.

2.  A family can stay together and be darted together for the most part.

3. The family does not have to leave their home and can live out their life in the wild on the range, and feasibly.

4.   The helicopter does not need to swoop down to within 20 ft or less to harass and turn the horses, it can just follow them from above at their same speed and can dart from 50 meters away.

5.   This distance will be less harassing, less traumatic and will not be causing/throwing the thick dust plumes full of debris at the wild horses as happened at the recent muddy creek round up. Video available by Laurie McKline. See screen shots attached.

6.   It is highly unlikely that wild horses will develop a cough with this brief Protocol of darting by helicopter and he/she will subsequently remain on the range. Given GPS and cameras, darts can also be retrieved.

While it would seem that the coughing at the holding facility nine days after roundup might be due to the round itself, it is more likely that the coughing is due the wild horses being penned in a contaminated facility where bacteria and virus likely abound due to a constant flow of horses both owned and wild. Wild horses can and do suffer.

7.   Darting will not cause a loss of genetics as wild horses can live out their lives on the range as intended, and no genetics will be removed. They will just take some years off from reproduction here and there as planned/needed.

I have been a race track vet and understand the injuries of stampede running of two-year old and older horses. Out on the range, there is no transparency currently with no cameras on the helicopter until they come into view at the very end of the miles long run.  There is admittedly no documentation of all the injuries or horses and foals which did not make it the miles to the gather-site. There is no documentation of the foals born on the run and no one to welcome them into the world, remove their placenta, and provide critically needed sustenance, colostrum as well as protection and familial companionship. Of the pregnant mares who foal in the few days after the round up, their foals are likely to be born dead or die shortly after birth due to the extreme stress put on their mothers in this terrifying stampede.

Wild horses live in a harem structure or in bachelor bands. They are a herd animal and live in family bands with a very hierarchical structure. These wild horses know their families and depend on them for survival, companionship, grooming, etc. The stallions spend 24×7 working to keep other stallions and danger away from his harem.

This is what the Stallion lives for.  A Stallion usually follows behind his family band and ensures that the very young keep up with the herd and don’t get separated. The young learn from him as they do from the hierarchy of mares and the lead mare.

Much of this is documented in the USGS Ethology of Feral Horses: Quantifying Equid Behavior A Research Ethogram for Free-Roaming Feral Horses by the USGS and Department of Interior. See attachment 1.

In reviewing the video/screenshots of the Muddy Creek gather recently, it is clear that these horses may have long term health issues now due to the dust and the miles traveled in the dryness and temperatures in the nineties during the round up. One horse that will definitely not recover from this round up was shot.

Per the BLM’s own report, a stallion kicked a young horse and it had to be put down. Under the stress of the stampede roundup this is no surprise.

Horses don’t usually run this far 5 miles plus switch backing, under such stress. This is completely unnatural and cruel.

See Attachment 2 Pictures with statements:

While wild horses can also be easily lured trapped peacefully as is done routinely at the Socorro Herd in New Mexico see BLM’s youtube video and even in the remote and treeless areas of Nevada and Utah etc.

   â€œhelicopter darting  would still be better than removals in terms of humaneness, , because the harassment is a matter of seconds to minutes,  not like the misery of removals. 

Helicopter darting would and does suffice in the remote and essentially treeless areas being used as an excuse for the BLM to continue treating the BLM HMAs like a Puppy Mill and then brutally ripping them from their homes, families, in an extremely cruel and unnatural procedure, the helicopter round up, pregnant, old, sick, injured, and young.

Unfortunately, a wild horse once rounded up is at tremendous risk and likelihood of injury and death by slaughter, even while in the care of the BLM itself. Much less, once it is sold or adopted out. Once the property of an individual or corporation it becomes legally livestock and though not raised as a food animal on a farm or ranch, it may be subjected to slaughter for human consumption over the US borders.  A true food safety issue due to horse dumping of slaughter rejects and other

Under Kleppe, a wild horse belongs to the people of the state where ever it walks and it is protected. However, in some states and many counties, it is illegal to harass a wild horse being considered an animal, wildlife, or feral and having animal cruelty laws which make it illegal to harass a wild horse even before it is rounded up as well as after. The US is a patchwork of animal cruelty laws which apply to the federally wild horses.

This patchwork of differing protections making it arbitrary and capricious to allow wild horses anywhere to be treated with the extreme animal cruelty of a helicopter round up, hence, the wild horses are protected from helicopter roundups.



 This is akin to 9/11 The helicopter goes too close and runs our natural resource the wild horse too hard and too long in adverse conditions. This is unnatural and abusive. Thee wild horses belong to the people. The helicopter goes to close to our property per FAA and too close to the man holding the Judas horse. In other round ups foals have come in with their hooves dangerously worn.

Screenshots from this recent Muddy Creek HMA Round up from video by Laurie McKline

Last one not in order

 Some redundant screen shots not included

 Attachment II

Helicopter gather statistics and lack of reporting was reported in the GAO Report to the Chairman, Committee on Natural Resources, House of Representatives – BUREAU OF LAND
MANAGEMENT – Effective Long-Term Options Needed to Manage Unadoptable Wild Horses

Attachment III

National Academy of Science’s recommendation in:

Using Science to Improve the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program: at Using Science to Improve the BLM Wild Horse and Burro Program: A Way Forward

Attachment IV


Abortion by Helicopter vs Normal Birth

Muddy Creek Herd by Laurie McKline




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AGRIBIZ – WILD LANDS THEFT – Replacement of native flora (grasses) and resultant loss of fauna (wildlife). Note: 6/15/2022- NM Fires ongoing to date huge prescribed burns and others tbd.

WILD LANDS TO FEED LOTS – Conversion of public wild lands to low grade agricultural lands for non-native domesticated livestock using invasive or non-native species (including cheat grass and crested wheat grass). Brought in and allowed by Congress. Manipulated Extinction Equals Theft.

Per USDA Forest Service nearly half of all species federally listed as threatened or endangered are thought to be at risk primarily due to the effects of invasive species.


Teddy Roosevelt stated:

“the rights of the public to the natural resources outweigh private rights, and must be given its first consideration.”

AGAINST THE LAW “ Destruction of our WILD Thing, native animals and their habitat, in order to effectively turn our public lands over to Private AGRIBIZ.

Our Wild Natural Resources including: our native wild horses, their native predators, and the native flora (plants) that sustain their eco-system are being illegally managed to extinction,  from both the bottom up, and from the top down.

From the bottom up our federal agencies, allowed by Congress, in cooperation with the states, have been allowing and using specific succession of seasonally inedible, non-native and highly flammable grasses causing mass extinctions of native plants and animals they support, followed by the introduction of crested wheat grass another flammable but edible grass, thereby conforming our wild lands into low grade flammable farmlands for Agribiz with little to no competition from the other remaining plants or species. In addition certain lands are being set on fire intentionally just as is the Amazon for the same purpose, Big US Agribiz. 

From the top down native predators of the our native horse are being brutally managed to extinction by USDA wildlife services (trapping and poisoning)  in cooperation with the states, while the horse is left without its natural manager and other humane contraceptive management is also with held (all illegally), and is forever being portrayed as unmanageable and put into non-transparent private hands, hence, into the slaughter pipeline under the guise of a trusted name, in this case, the ASPCA.

Thus effectively, our public wild lands are undergoing both a top down trophic cascade and a bottoms up trophic cascade, literally a ecological crisis, both allowed and caused.

Why? In order to enable an accidental LOOK GOOD, yet illegal theft of our Public Lands and Wildlife by/for Big AGRIBIZ.

Congress and the Executive Branch through time are working to further  weaken the environmental laws that protect both the native plants and native wild life, as well as to silence public input.  Now they conspire against our native wild horses behind a trusted name (ASPCA) for wild horse removal and thereby are working to effectively end the wild horse’s legal claim to these lands.  As, once gone, the government refuses to bring them back.

To be sure, currently the LOOK GOOD bill to stop transfer of federal public lands to the states or to private hands,  provide little to no protection against this covert ecological war against public lands and wildlife even if it did pass.  It’s like a charming thug  stopping his partner from “accidentally” knocking your purse right out of your hands, grabbing it for you  saying  “Don’t worry little Miss, I’m not a purse thief” while with a slight of his hand, empties out your purse and picks your pockets at the same time (without you realizing either, so he thinks) and hands your purse right back to you with a BIG smile, expecting a big thank you.  Again, both conspiracy and theft, are illegal.

WHOA, an environmental group, does provide an Win Win innovative National Plan in the alternative:  https://whoanm.org/wordpress/?p=422

While it is not legal to conspire. . . here’s the status.

I.  New BLM Director: “Conservative lawyer in favor of selling public lands picked to oversee BLM.” 

However, the theft/wipe out of our wild species of animals and plants is already happening without selling our public lands, they are Agribiz lands being farmed already, with non-native grasses, for non-native cattle.


II. Trusted Name used for Wild Horse Wipe-Out Cover Up:

The ASPCA et. al. plan provides a trusted name for Congress to illegally conspire behind in order to remove our native wild horses from their rightful native public lands with political impunity, thereby leaving the wild horses vulnerable to the slaughter pipeline in non-transparent private hands, as well as effectively removing “protectors”  of these public lands. Further making the lands more vulnerable to  exploitation and sale. 

Protectors of these public lands being: the horses themselves, the laws that the horses bring with them and the advocates they attract ( approx. 80% of Americans).

Contrary to the past “trusted name of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), the ASPCA et al. plan is cruel. It is also scientifically and mathematically unsupported, and will cause increased birth rate and tens of thousands of wild horses to fill the AGRIBIZ slaughter pipeline. This is in no way innovative. It is the exact same illegal, inhumane, mismanagement as usual, just on a larger scale. 

See/Share  WHOA National Plan https://whoanm.org/wordpress/?p=422

Sign/Share this updated or original WHOA petition http://chng.it/M7LTBhTzgk

III. The Effective “Land Grab“ Wild lands turned into “farm” lands. 

The intentional destruction of the native/horse habitat (in less than 10 yrs.) with thick carpeting blankets of non-native plants, which are inedible (by all but goats) due to their seeds all summer and very flammable during fire season.

Cheat Grass, Lepidium, Medusahead etc. are being allowed to tacitly destroy PUBLIC WILD LANDS habitats and entire eco-systems causing massive extinctions in the U.S. This however is not climate change.

The ASPCA Plan is a ten-year meat market plan which includes no resolution of invasive species, hence, by the end of the 10 years, the excuse will be, no carrying capacity for our native wild horses.

Once the wild horses are gone, the plan is apparently to install the next non-native grass, which is edible crested wheat grass, and then increase the number of cattle, but not bring the wild horses back.

U.S. no. 1 on massive extinctions due to invasive species.

CHEAT GRASS, it’s spread, it’s affects including fires, tremendously decreased carrying capacity, and native habitat destruction, as well as the governments mis-management and future plans regarding cheat grass has not been honestly addressed in any of the Wild horse Environmental Assessments. This is a significant issue in and of itself.


“What is cheatgrass?

Its an annual invasive grass that is native to Europe and eastern Asia, not North America. It was brought over by European settlers in the mid to late 1800s.

It probably wouldn’t have outcompeted native vegetation if early settlers hadn’t also introduced large numbers of livestock like cattle and sheep into sagebrush country. Our palatable native grasses and forbs weren’t adapted to those high levels of uncontrolled overgrazing by domestic livestock, which created a void that cheatgrass quickly filled. “

“. . . As for wildlife, the biggest threat from cheatgrass is the loss of habitat due to increased wildfires and the conversion of diverse native plant communities to monocultures of an annual grass.”


nearly half of all species federally listed as threatened or endangered are thought to be at risk primarily due to the effects of invasive species.”

“Garlic Mustard. Giant Hogweed. Medusa Head. Albizia. Knotweed. Cheatgrass.

III. B. Our Government has been illegally turning our North American wild lands into a flammable mono-culture “farmland” for non-native plants and non-native livestock, right under our very noses.

WHOA regrets to say that it sees the governmental plans of  re-seeding with flammable non-native plants extinction of our native plants and animals, followed by increased cattle grazing as an opportunistic and a non-beneficial taking of our wild lands by “farming” for non-native livestock on our public wild lands. Advocates need to oppose this intentional wipe out of habitat of our North American wild lands and eco-systems. 

The government not only allows but it causes cheat grass to over run everything, to become a thick and flammable mono-culture which is inedible to all but goats when it has seeds (all summer). Cheat grass crowds out native flora and fauna, and also causes the burn out of native grasses due to much increased wildfires in both frequency and area. The government feigns cost issues as it's excuse of allowing this, then re-seeds with yet another non-native flammable invasive called crested wheat grass which can compete with cheat grass.  Crested wheat grass is edible in summer, but is still flammable and able to crowd out native plants. The government then plans to increase livestock grazing, ostensibly in order to combat the crested wheat grass and cheat grass they planted! https://magicvalley.com/business/agriculture/blm-proposes-grazing-increase-in-new-land-decisions/article_446e5022-c5ea-55b7-b937-5edd1f774a16.html

“Western Watersheds Project Idaho Director Scott Lake said that increased grazing helps cheatgrass flourish. Cheatgrass, a non-native and invasive species, is especially flammable and is a major reason that fires in the West have become more severe.

“. . .  an ecological disaster, the crested wheatgrass, Fite said. The fire problem has gotten worse with all the crested wheatgrass.

“Crested wheatgrass . . . It is also more useful as a source of forage for livestock.”

“The BLM isn’t dedicating enough effort to bringing back native species in the Devil Creek subregion, Fite said. Essentially, the BLM is valuing ranching interests at the expense of native plants and animals, she said.”

“Critics say the decisions cave in to ranchers requests and make it unlikely sage grouse will return. They argue that increased grazing is an ineffective strategy for reducing wildfires.


Utilize WHOA National Plan to engage our public lands ranchers and make it worthwhile for them, by removing the conflict of interest for them, and first of all, stop re-seeding with non-native plants. Also, do not increase non-native cattle grazing in the fall. Rather, look at a combination of:

  • Re-seeding with only native seeds. No longer allow non-native seeds on public lands. (This requires states to enter into agreement.)
  • Wild horse grazing in order to:
    • a) spread the good native seeds year round (Only horses can do this given that they are not ruminants and their digestive system and roaming cause seeds to germinate faster, be dispersed far and wide.
    • b) to graze the (bad) non-native plants in the fall, winter, and spring to decrease them before they get to seed. (Neither horses or cattle will eat them after they seed.)
    • NOTE: Only horses can spread the good native seeds since horses are not ruminants their digestive system does not kill seeds, rather it helps seeds germinate quicker. But again, horses do not spread the non-native cheat grass seeds as they cannot eat them.
    • NOTE: Ruminants include: cattle, deer, elk, goats, sheep, 
  • Bring in goats in the summer to graze these non-native plants in the summer.
  • Utilize the latest science, rather than hold it back with lack of funding. The EPA has approved a naturally occurring soil bacteria that inhibits growth of cheat grass. It is called D7 (Developed by Dr. Ann Kennedy).

We can still hope that there may be some who are courageous.  See WHOA National Plan https://whoanm.org/wordpress/?p=422

Statutes including those below require that these noxious weeds be stopped and our environment protected (“whatever the cost”).

7 U.S. Code 7701.Findings – Congress finds that— the detection, control, eradication, suppression, prevention, or retardation of the spread of plant pests or noxious weeds is necessary for the protection of the agriculture, environment, and economy of the United States; . . .

  • Endangered Species Act –

“The plain intent of Congress in enacting this statute was to halt and reverse the trend toward species extinction, whatever the cost. This is reflected not only in the stated policies of the Act, but in literally every section of the statute.”

  • There are some states in the west where our state governments feels that there are no laws protecting plant native species.
    • Washington
    • I-da-homeless – “Little Amazon”, BLM is currently burning 21 square miles of Old Growth Juniper Trees. Any small animal in the middle of this thoughtful burn will have to run about 10 miles to survive. Will there even be an estimate on collateral damage of the animals that used to live there, but are now charcoal?
    • Utah – Special Mention – Governor Gary Herbert and Representative Chris Stewart are a very active team against wild horses.  Both admit that wild horses can be darted with in the remote areas from helicopters, but they rather instead to round them all up. They could just allow the natural predators of the horse to roam! No round ups, no contraception. Now there’s that ice-cube’s chance in Ida-hopeless.
    • Wyoming
    • Colorado – Where former Secretary Salazar hails from.
    • North Dakota
    • Montana
  • There are some laws and lack thereof, that are questionable with respect to constitutionality.
  • Executive Order 13112 – Invasive Species

“All federal agencies are prohibited from authorizing, funding or carrying out actions that “destroy or adversely modify” critical habitats.” 


Americans have been SOLD the following set of divisive, incorrect propaganda with intent, with no basis in science, or in fact.  This has effectively kept wild predator advocates away from unison with wild horse advocates by giving their animal a “higher status”, native for one, and feral for the other, and they fell for it, unfortunately, but . . . This has significantly contributed to lack of proper management of both our native wild horses and their native predators, both of which are being literally managed to extinction illegally.


Letters a through h below are nonsensical. However, WHOA will provide the details on this as we have both at NM legislature and in NM courts, however in a future post in order to save time here.

a) The iconic returned native Mega Fauna, the horse, is domesticated.  Really?

b) If domesticated the horse is not native. Evolving here for 55 million years and gone for only 8000 years.  Really?

c) Domestication is a genetic process. Domestication is not taming, it is not habituation, it is not simply breeding in captivity.

d) If not native, the horse has no native predators. Really?

e) If the horse has no native predators, or they are managed to extinction wild horses cannot be managed feasibly. Really?

f) The horses are too remote to be managed feasibly by contraception. Really? See WHOA National Plan.

g) Since horses are supposedly “non-native” and are domestic they cannot be defended by “real” environmental groups, only by “emotional types”.  Good to know! “Old Misogynistic Rule?”

h) Since horses are “domestic”, they can be humanely slaughtered for human consumption. Really? Well, only behind a “trusted” name in order to put everyone’s mind falsely at ease as well as provide an excuse for those in power.


V. WILL SAFE ACT Co-SIGNERS TAKE COVER  behind the ASPCA Name per the Plan? How about the previous ROAM Act Co-Signers and how about the previous Anti-Slaughter for Human Consumption Act Co-Signers before that?

Will they stand up and block the ASPCA meat market Plan in private hands? Or, will they only feign to block it? (Time will tell). Or, will we be insulted when/if they pretend it is a good plan and then conspire behind it while telling advocates it’s somehow their fault for lack of unity?

Congress has sent approximately 410 horses each and everyday, every year, over our borders to slaughter for 12 years! That’s 1.8 Million horses slaughtered, against the will of 80% of the people in our “Representational Democracy”.

The states ended horse slaughter and the feds send them over our borders and this is under both political parties. This is especially egregious when the border states could simply pass the Illinois law to disallow horse slaughter traffic through their states. Though on a silver platter, New Mexico has refused to do this so-far.  We now have a previous SAFE ACT Co-Signer as Governor. . . No movement yet . . .

Lets expect our Congresspersons to have the courage of their, or our, convictions. Let’s ask them to  make some deals! Call in some favors, make it happen NOW!

Or, ask your legislator/co-signer to BE A WHISTLE BLOWER on Congress! It will only take ONE Courageous whistle blower to turn this around.  Out of all the co-signers, there must be at least 5 stand-up Legislators. Legislators, feel free to send info. to whoanm.org web page or to wildhorsesnm@yahoo.com or to message our facebook page Wild Horse Observers Association – WHOA. This can even be done anonymously.

VI. The Endangered Species Act is also under bi-partisan attack by Corporate Congress because endangered species laws also protect public lands from land grabs.

Under President Obama
Under President Trump

VII. The National Environment Protection Act (NEPA) is under Corporate Congressional attack, for the same reason.


VIII. Methane restrictions are being Congressionally raised-

for oil and gas however ruminant digestion alone is the largest source of Methane per the EPA and even greater with the addition of the associated manure. (Methane is 84 times more heat trapping than CO2 in its first 20 years.)

IX. Re-Wilding:

Re-wilding, sounds good! It’s a nice word, like ASPCA! However, sounds good, but is it?

Another smaller scale plan in the works in Congress. Under this plan a few wild horses will be taken out of public hands and into non-trans-parent/private hands under the Congressional guise of re-wilding. These wild horses will be at risk of the non-transparent pipeline to horse slaughter as meat in the AGRIBIZ meat market.

Rewilding.”"The Committee recognizes the value of horse rewilding as one of many herd management strategies and encourages the Bureau to explore collaborations with suitable organizations and willing landowners to adopt, transport and locate horses to appropriate habitats at no cost to taxpayers. Meaning, no transparency."
https://appropriations.house.gov/sites/democrats.appropriations.house.gov/files/FY2020%20Interior%20Report%20Draft.pdf (See page 15)

X. REMEMBER THE AMAZON – Because it is happening right here, right now in Idaho, U.S.A.

BLM Burns 21 square miles in Idaho to get rid of  native Juniper trees.


The planned and intentional ecological devastation in the U.S. by highly flammable cheat grass etc. has the same cause as the planned ecological devastation by fire that is happening in the Amazon which is also largely due to U.S. Livestock/AGRIBIZ. Remember 90 to 98% of Soybeans grown are used for food for livestock.

We in the U.S. and elsewhere are growing food for livestock not people. At the same-time we are wasting as well as polluting our fresh water resources on food for livestock, and oil from agriculture for fuel, not food for people.

These short-sighted corporate actions are also actions against indigenous peoples as well as against all peoples, wildlife and climate.




Queensland extinguishes native title over Indigenous land to make way for Adani coalmine



  1. Sign and share the WHOA Petition against the ASPCA et al. plan.  http://chng.it/v4q65pkyHz  Over 2400

Only the WHOA petition includes comprehensive alternatives that:

  • Re-instate the value to the horse vs the adoptions at less than Kill buyer prices.
  • Removes the conflict of interest between cattle and horses on public lands. (The government is of course against this and the ranchers are for this.)
  • Is good for our public land, the horses and the public lands ranchers while allowing for effectively increasing AML.
  • Fix the environment/non-native grasses and climate change.
  • On range management stopping illegal helicopter round ups.
  • Is educational and brings people together and is science based.
  • Sign and share all the links below showing that citizens do NOT support the ASPCA et al. plan.

DONATE: If you do not like illegal actions outlined herein click below:


2.Sign and share the excellent Animal Wellness Action Letter and customize your letter here as they request with information you have learned in this petition update: https://secure.everyaction.com/JZCZS5hJxEqxsnMYe_69_g2

  • Please personalize: Ask them to STOP this THEFT IN PLACE of our wild lands. Or stop pulling the value out of our wildlands and turning them into livestock feedlots.
  • Please ask them to consider the WHOA National plan to remove the conflict of interest, heal the environment, save tax dollars, and work together. This will be automatically sent to your federal Senators.
  • Please also let them know you do not want our nations natural resource managed in private hands with private funding as this is an veiled path to slaughter. This includes removing our horses from wild lands they are on to other wild lands in private hands for re-wilding .
  1. Sign and fax the RTFitch protest https://rtfitchauthor.com/2019/09/20/action-alert-help-save-the-wild-herds-easy-to-do-free-to-fax-and-well-written/
  2. Sign and share the AWHPC Petition opposes round ups, provides no plan but gets more numbers. https://www.change.org/p/lisa-murkowski-protect-america-s-wild-horses-from-a-dangerous-plan  0ver 20,000
  3. Sign and share the Anthony Marr Petition opposes ASPCA plan provides a plan.   https://www.change.org/p/marr-plan  Over 10,000
  4. Sign and Share SAFE ACT Petition“ a MUST.. given this ASPCA Plan putting wild horses in non-transparent, underfunded hands, basically for slaughter in WHOA’s opinion. http://chng.it/J5NzHdLXq4  Over 26,000
  5. Contact Western Watersheds 
    Josh Osher
    Montana Director
    Public Policy Director
    Western Watersheds Project
    P.O. Box 1135
    Hamilton, MT 59840
  6. Share the https://patch.com/florida/miami/funding-cattlemens-assoc-path-forward-must-be-denied?fbclid=IwAR2eLgSORJQRgasl0iMpZamSChEgcvUDJGDaTpWwtD_N7i6jg5uNv6hQNQk

This book was first entitled: WHERE THE WILD HORSES ARE according to Wikipedia. We don’t know about that, however we highly recommend this book and it’s respect for our need for Wild Things. 

Soon we may really wonder where the wild things are.

Posted in Uncategorized, Wild Fire | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on AGRIBIZ – WILD LANDS THEFT – Replacement of native flora (grasses) and resultant loss of fauna (wildlife). Note: 6/15/2022- NM Fires ongoing to date huge prescribed burns and others tbd.

WHOA National Plan

A Sustainable Future for Public Lands Ranchers – 

for Wild Horses and Burros Management, Wildlife Eco-systems,


Methane & Greenhouse-Gasses


Problem Definition => Conflict of interest by design

WHOA offers an innovative solution for wild horse management that is feasible for the wild horses, burros, Public Lands Ranchers (Permittee s), the people, the horse industry and, importantly; reduces court actions from all sides by removing the root cause, which is a conflict of interest. 

Due to the management plans since 1971, in fact the wild horse is less than worth-less, monetarily speaking, to the Public Lands Rancher (Permittee) vs. the American Public who view them as intrinsically valuable. In order to remove this resultant conflict of interest, the actual monetary value of each wild horse must rise to that of a cow/calf, for the Permittee.

The solution must also feasibly take into account climate change and the fact that both sides of the aisle recognize that creative remedies are needed now*1.

The Permittees must also be paid for improving carbon sequestration on the range and reflectivity/albedo*2 as appropriate, along with working issues of watershed, soil, planting trees, re-seeding, drilling wells, installing windmills for year-round water as needed, for both cattle and wildlife/wild horses.

To wit the Green New Deal from the Democrats and the Green Real Deal from the Republicans also according to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 12-year ultimatum on climate change. 


Summary Proposal End Conflict of Interest – Design Feasible Root Cause Resolution

The BLM has stated to Congress repeatedly that to warehouse a wild horse for its lifetime costs the nation approximately $50,000 each. However, just half of this could be better spent on public lands, paying ranchers for wild horse and burro management by immuno-contraceptive darting once per year, on the range, rather than paying $1000/horse for helicopter round up and $2000/year thereafter in holding. This would end the mounting numbers in long term holding and the $2000/yr. per horse.

Rather than the traditional expensive and dangerous round ups, transport, holding and feeding for 25 years, the Permittee will be paid for the three management items below:

1. Equivalent Payment for Partial Resting of Permit: Similar to farmers being paid to rest their lands, ranchers would count the horses (perform a census*3) and determine if the wild horse number is greater than the Appropriate Management Level (AML)*4. This is called the overage*5. If this overage is significant enough, environmentally speaking, to choose to put less cattle out, then the Permittee will instead be paid the same as cow/calf for the number of horses over AML/overage. Or rather, the number of cattle removed would be equal to the number of wild horses over AML and the rancher will receive an equivalent payment for partial resting of the permit. Hence, the Permittee, the wild horses and the range are all protected and the conflict of interest is removed, when combined with item no. 2 below.

2. Payment for PZP*6 Darting: Permittees (or BLM contractors) must be paid equivalent to a cow/calf to manage each wild mare with PZP Fertility control as needed. PZP darting will be provided to all females each year, (as needed) on and off, in order to both preserve genetic health of the herd as needed to work towards a population where the herd is at AML (However the NAS takes issue with the AML determination methods). Working toward the birth rate being equal to the attrition rate. Hence flat line population growth without round ups. The rancher will provide digital pictorial documentation.

3. Payment for Environmental Defense and Preservation: Under the purview of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) or United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service (USDA FS), the public lands rancher needs to also become our first line of defense on public lands to fight climate change as front-line range and environmental stewards. This will address reflectivity of the environment/albedo the amount of methane, watershed, forest fires and biodiversity. 

This is also recognizing the public lands stewardship these Permittees already do (while the cattle are on the permit) however, often not year-round, by ensuring water for grazing animals, planting seeds, sometimes planting or removing trees and addressing watersheds as well as erosion.

Water supplies will also need to be ensured for the time the cattle are off the allotment, at a minimum by ensuring allotment gates are locked open so that wild horses can then roam to water. They may also work improvements to watershed, erosion etc.


NOTE: Methane: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that enteric fermentation*7 and manure (largely from cattle) are the number one source of methane in the United States. Methane is 84 times more heat trapping than CO2 in the first two decades. However, when wild horses are over AML, IF the Permittees reduce cattle and are paid, this also results in Methane reduction. 

NOTE:  Remote Areas: The BLM and USDA FS state to Congress that they cannot get to the more remote areas in order to manage the wild horses and burros with contraception. However, the Permittees are already in/near these areas with the cattle they manage. 

NOTE: Native Predators: Mountain Lions, Wolves, etc. are being killed by USDA Wildlife Services ($121 Million/yr.) due largely to their predation on non-native cattle/beef from Asia. Livestock owners are often paid for depredation. Hence, whether one agrees or disagrees as to the native status of the legally wild horse, or its domestication, it is preposterous to say that a predator can differentiate or has a prejudice against eating horse meat because they can somehow sense they may be domesticated vs. wild. (Regardless, horses evolved entirely here in North America for over 55 Million years with the modern horse having appeared between 2 and 4 million years.)  

NOTE: Puppy Mill Management (unchecked breeding): Under the current management structure, the wild horse has lost its value through (unchecked breeding), due to the expensive wipe out of predators and virtually no contraceptives substituted in their absence. 

To wit, the BLM states that it started with only 25,000 wild horses, however proudly claims it has homed 245,000 horses.

Further removals of thousands of wild horses have significantly affected supply and demand for adoptions, which is clearly self-defeating for the BLM and detrimental to the horse industry, and many of these are at high risk of slaughter.

Occasional mares are PZP’d off range and released after an expensive and illegal helicopter round up, thereby completely defeating the feasible, legal, and humane purpose of (non-experimental) and dartable PZP – ON Range Management. 

  • Reference: Citizens Against Equine Slaughter (CAES) Muddy Creek Utah Administrative Appeal No. IBLA-2018-0192 awaiting IBLA* Action.
  • Wild Horse Observers Association IBLA-2017-0048 awaiting IBLA Action.
    CAES IBLA NO.s  IBLA-2016-243  and IBLA-2019-0015 : Both were remanded back to BLM: regarding blind surgical sterilization by ovariectomy which is also illegal, inhumane, and fiscally irresponsible, moreover requires routine round ups as usual.
  • CAES IBLA NO.s  IBLA-2016-243  and IBLA-2019-0015 : Both Remanded back to BLM regarding blind surgical sterilization by ovariectomy which is also illegal, inhumane, and fiscally irresponsible,
  • Moreover sterilization by ovariectomy requires routine round ups as usual and all the horses are still rounded up because the BLM cannot easily only round up the un-sterilized mares.) Cruel and Costly.
    • CAES filed two administrative appeals to STOP ovariectomies rather than to WATCH ovariectomies, which are done blind anyway without ability to see internally by scopes! CAES filed IBLA Administrative Appeals and stopped this unnecessary and expensive barbaric process and Won both times.
  • Additionally, regarding humane animal affairs no employee or contractor with DSM-5; PID-5; antisocial personality disorder; personality disorders; psychopathy should play any decision making or hands on role for wild horses and burros.

Puppy Mill Management thereby puts all sides at risk on many levels including legal, fiscal, humane:

NOTE: The National Park System (also under the Department of Interior as is the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has been utilizing native PZP successfully on a 45,000-acre Assateague National Park, successfully. Time to TIER (Share Information) with/from the NPS. https://www.nps.gov/parkhistory/online_books/science/26.pdf   https://www.nap.edu/catalog/13511/using-science-to-improve-the-blm-wild-horse-and-burro-program

NOTE: This plan does not affect any of the current ways that political campaigns are funded.              



We understand that change is sometimes difficult. However, under this new structure, young and old public lands ranchers and Permittees can have hands-on education, based on each area’s environmental and wild horse management needs.

This would help to guarantee their long-term ranching future by continually paying them equitably for providing some of the services they currently already do in part for free, in order to enhance their ranching incomes.

Asterisks Explained

*1 The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: 12 year ultimatum

*2 Albedo:  is the percentage of solar radiation reflected by an object. … A pure black object would absorb all radiation and have an albedo of 0%. Bright Earth features such as clouds, fresh snow, and ice have albedos that range from 50% to 95%


*3 Census:Total Number of wild horses

*4 AML: Appropriate Management Level (AML), which is the number of wild horses and burros that can thrive in balance with other public land resources and uses.

*5 Overage: Total census (including babies) minus AML.

*6 PZP: Porcine Zona Pelucida an Immuno-contraceptive: The formulation for wild horses is registered with the EPA as Zona Stat-H for wild horses and as Zona Stat-D for Deer. It is not hormonal and does not affect behavior. This contraceptive lasts for 1 year and reaches full efficacy once boosted. Thereafter boosters are no longer needed even if a year is skipped.



*7 Enteric Fermentation: Ruminant Digestive process. Per EPA “Enteric fermentation is the largest 

anthropogenic source of CH4 emissions in the United States. . .This increase in emissions from 1990 to 2017 generally follows the increasing trends in cattle populations. (This does not even include the Methane from associated manure).

By Patience O’Dowd President for WHOA,

Member Union of Concerned Scientists

PO Box 932, Placitas, NM 87043

A public 501 c3 since 2004

No $ Value by Design

Muddy Creek Horse Management Area – BLM Utah

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State’s Wild Horses of New Mexico – Win and Win, Wildlife!

Wild horses of New Mexico can and do legally roam just as do other wildlife. This includes public and private lands except the State lands which are set aside to raise money for schools in NM.

WHOA’s Legislative Work includes:
The NM Wild Horse Protection law passed in 2007 carried by the honorable former Senator Steve Komadina MD for WHOA, has been upheld in now by 8 of 9 judges. The latest ruling is below and is quite clear.

Brief Summary of the Wild Horse Protection legislative work/upheld in court/s in WHOA v NMLB in two cases.
1. These wild horses are subject to the animal cruelty laws of the state unlike all privately owned livestock which are exempt from these protections in NM. (Appellate Court Ruling)
2. If a private property owner does not want them on their property, they not only have the right, but the obligation to fence them out. ( District Court Ruling below)
3. It is illegal to trap or lure a wild horse in NM.
4. These wild horses are not under the jurisdiction of the New Mexico Livestock Board given that they are not owned and are not livestock (born and raised on a ranch).
5. These horses are protected/regulated under statute, hence common law (called ratione soli) which allows for ownership of wild animals that come onto one’s private land (like “bunnies”) no longer applies since at least 2007 when these wild horses became protected/regulated legislatively. NMSA 77-  18-5. (General Animals section which the Livestock Board does not have jurisdiction over, including skunks, chimps, wild canines, etc. )
6. These horses belong to the people of the state as a natural resource and as such, cannot be legally rounded up. Horse Theft in NM is a minimum sentence of 2 yrs and a maximum sentence of 7 yrs in prison.


+WHOA is the only non-profit in New Mexico that has passed protective legislation for wild horses in NM. This legislation calls for management by contraception and management of the range.

+WHOA is the only non-profit in NM that has gone to court to uphold this new law in New Mexico. WHOA has won for the wild horses both times.

+WHOA also stopped the brutal helicopter roundups in the USDA Carson National Forest in 2004 through administrative appeal and large media supported protest.  + This has caused the USDA Forest Service to utilize lure trapping instead of helicopters. + WHOA has also caused immuno-contraception to be an allowed option for population management in the Carson National Forest since 2004.

+WHOA has defended these wins for the our New Mexico wild horse treasures and their habitat against the opposition promoting BAD Bills SB126 in 2017 and Kill Bill SB158 in 2018. These two bills were carried by Senator Pat Woods recipient of over $1 Million in USDA funding for his ranch through time. These BAD bills are now ended and replaced, by HM093 and https://www.nmlegis.gov/Sessions/19%20Regular/memorials/house/HM093.pdf.


The bad bills were supported by the following lobbyists:

  • Cattle Growers of New Mexico
  • APV lobbyist of APNM (Yes, this is counter intuitive!   )
  • New Mexico Farm Bureau
  • Wool Growers
Send your email, we’ll be happy to send this entire ruling. Scroll down for the entire Appellate ans Supreme court
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Senator Martin Heinrich – Divisive actions, (against Placitas Wild Horses, and Sandia’s Cibola Forest), speak louder than words

Related image
 Wild Placitas Horses overlooking their Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands in the Placitas area called the Buffalo Tract.

WHOA has documented many divisive acts against the overwhelming majority, in order to remove Placitas’ wild horses from the Placitas Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands between 2008 to 2018, by two of our U.S. Senators, Heinrich and Udall. To be sure, the writer is a democrat, who chooses to lead rather than follow when a party goes against “wild horses and Indians”, the law, and the overwhelming majority of  people, literally.

In this particular divisive instance, Heinrich works against a pro-wild horse neighboring Pueblo’s rightful reparations as Ordered by Teddy Roosevelt, in favor of FALSE Reparations by the San Antonio De Las Huertas Land Grant (SADLH) in the tug of war over the current area BLM lands (both the Buffalo Strip and the Crest of Montezuma).

The elected officials in New Mexico are apparently held hostage for rural votes by the Land grant Leadership, not the Land Grant People. WHOA has documentation showing that the people are not informed as to what their leadership is doing against wild horses of New Mexico.

There is even the attempt by the Land Grant to secretly make the rest of us pay for their Land Grab acquisitions. All the while Heinrich and Udall block proactive population management under the state law passed by WHOA in 2007. This in and of itself has caused deep and irreparable damages.

This was a plot that was planned to hand these BLM lands over to a government entity, a Land Grant (leadership only), against the people and against the wild horses of Placitas. Moreover, Udall and Heinrich are currently working to “saddle” the kind Pueblo WITH the horses Heinrich did not want on the BLM as well as those already rounded up as they are still  trying to illegally remove the wild horses from Placitas and the BLM lands to make way for development, all while, illegally blocking legal population management of these Placitas Wild horses for 10 years and counting.

Once the wild horses no longer protect these BLM lands, the SKY is the LIMIT for Development!      Recent picture of wild horses of Placitas on their homelands, the Buffalo Tract BLM Lands                                                                                                                           

This plan utilizes their  divisive Non-Profit NM First and Governor Martinez appointee to the Sandoval County commission for local support!  Together with NM First they accomplished a second Orwellian non-scientific survey, with a not so hidden agenda, of secretly installing the BLM and the NM Livestock Board in their planned (since 2014) multi-jurisdictional team, to REMOVE the wild horses from the BLM lands next to Placitas as well as from the rest of Placitas. No SURPRISE!!!

They are working quickly to remove them from the Placitas Area to Tribal lands where the Freedom of Information Act can’t reach! Where Placitans and the wildlife corridor are no longer soothed by their presence, where Placitan realtors will no longer be able to use them in their ads, impacting home values and time-to-sale, undoubtedly. This would irreparably change the nature of our rural mountain community of Placitas again, irreparably.

It’s been divisive moves by both Heinrich and Udall,  and WHOA’s counter moves for almost 12 years now, and the wild horses are STILL on the BLM lands in and around Placitas.  WHOA has never given up to this very day.

BTW, please DONATE to the WHOA LEGAL FUND if you like our work. We are all volunteer, no salaries, have multiple court wins and legislative wins in NM for these wild horses to remain and to protect the wildlife corridor here off the Sandia Mountain.  If the wild horses are removed, this last viable wildlife corridor off the mountain will be lost. Importantly, as always, over 100% of your donation will go to the cause for the wild horses and their habitat.

Heinrich and Udall have allowed the Land Grant Leadership to hold Conservation efforts of both the Crest of Montezuma and the Placitas Wild horses hostage now for over 10 years. Heinrich hid his role regarding this Attempted Public Lands Grab by illegal Back Door reparations, until WHOA uncovered the two documents below. This was a plan to give away the BLM Buffalo tract to a group which all ancient and current maps show, they had no aboriginal claim to. 

WHOA also has obtained communications from Udall’s office showing that he cannot support the wild horses on the BLM Lands (Buffalo strip) in Placitas until the Land Grant Leadership gives him written permission.

Hence, it would appear that the NM Land Grant Leadership is holding our elected federal officials hostage for rural votes at the same time they have withdrawn their previous legislative support of our state’s wonderful natural resource, our esteemed wild horses and their families.

These are illegal acts on a number of levels, and was clearly against the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) as predetermined, illegal with respect to state and local laws, and arbitrary and capricious, chilling of speech, as well as huge transparency issues federal open records requests, FOIA’s, long unanswered as well).

These actions are also illegal under the Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Title 18, and altogether against the presidential executive order by Teddy Roosevelt in 1902 regarding the pro-horse Pueblo which has also declared these horses as wild. These actions taken together along with other illegal acts locally are clearly Unequal Protection under the law, and are, grounds for action which WHOA has well documented.

TR out west     TR in Santa Fe, NM

Teddy Roosevelt out West, NPS            Teddy Roosevelt, Santa Fe NM, NPS

A SADLH member who is named in the documentation below even denied this to the writer’s face while proceeding to publicly deny and to defame the writer in public, claiming that since the (bottom) letter was not signed, and it hence, was not true. However, he did not know that the writer had procured both letters below, from an official source, one signed by Martin Heinrich. This man was one of the five (5) SADLH Land Grant board members listed on the June 11th 2010 letter below.

Moreover, WHOA obtained proof that the SADLH people were unaware of all that their Board members were doing against the wild horses of Placitas, and against the rest of the Placitas community which their leadership had attempted to kick out of Placitas, deeming their area as Bernalillo Heights stating that the new comers had been involved in name theft at the Senate interim committee on Land Grants where much of this planning has taken place.

The end game per the documentation below, was to stall preservation of the Crest of Montezuma for the Land Grant, buy lands for the Land Grant near the Crest of Montezuma, which they would then trade for the Buffalo Tract BLM Lands.  Hence holding all conservation efforts hostage to the Land Grant, whose leadership would remove the wild horses from their rightful range on the Placitas BLM lands, as well as allow a 20,000 trips per day highway through it.

Importantly, there was and is both no need, and no public support, for this politician’s dream highway, often called the Loop Rd, or the North East corridor, which was also illegally denied and hidden in Udall’s BLM RMP, documentation outed by WHOA. BOTH of these Acts to remove wild horses and install a highway are against the overwhelming majority at 86 and 87% respectively, by independent poll of 2014 as well as, non-transparent, and against the law.

The SADLH Land Grant is a government entity, a “political subdivision of the state of New Mexico”,  that had already broken the Open records Act with WHOA, had already received a warning from the NM Attorney General’s office for this and also, did not inform its people of the nefarious and secret deals it was making against their will, against the wild horses of Placitas, and against their then, very united community for the wild horses at 99% by the first WHOA scientific poll of all Placitans by bulk mail, now still united at 86%.

Importantly also, the BLM illegally denied receiving the SADLH Land Grants plan for the BLM (Part of the NEPA process RMP) and it too was obtained and outed by WHOA.

Again, currently,  (11/25/18)  Udall and Heinrich are after the Placitas horses utilizing their non-profit New Mexico First to both block population management in Placitas as well as move the wild horses of Placitas away from Placitas.

New Mexico First is a ‘public policy’ group whose board consists of corporate interests, yet pretends to involve the citizenry in resolving issues. Senator Udall and Senator Heinrich are the Honorary Co-Chairs on the Board of this group and New Mexico First prefers to illegally remove wild horses than simply follow the law and advocate for contraception.

New Mexico First has the BLM and the NM Livestock Board, at the table, ‘problem-solving’ though WHOA has proven in court that they have no jurisdiction over these states wild horses. They have yet again, tricked constituents, wild horse advocates, Land Grants peoples, and Pueblos and have again used  divisive, bully tactics to harm the people, the advocacy, and the Pro-wild horse Pueblo while the BLM RMP seems to be now, illegally and non-transparently, dead in the water since about 2014.

With our tax dollars, New Mexico First has spent $24,000.00 ignoring the simplest, most effective, and most humane management remedy, under the law- contraception. Basically, like ALEC, New Mexico First exists to simply allow both senators to feign a public interest while serving a corporate agenda. For more on New Mexico First, you can look at these links:

PLEASE DONATE to our Legal Fund. 100% of your contribution is used soley for the cause. WHOA is 100% volunteer. Though WHOA has just won freedom for the Alto NM wild horses in court, we see no end to the counter moves of Udall, Heinrich and Governor Martinez though she is not re-elected.


  • Please CALL in support of keeping the Placitas Wild Horses free-roaming in Placitas and lawfully managed with PZP as well as ON the BLM Lands in and around Placitas.
  • A NEPA process would be needed to remove them at a minimum, and so far the NEPA process has been fraudulent, treating them as livestock and deeming Placitan and pro-wild horse comments and anti-Loop Rd comments as OUT OF SCOPE!
  • The people of New Mexico speak for the wild horses- not the corporate/gov’t. agenda of New Mexico First. Thank you!

U.S. Senator Tom Udall :  505-346-6791

U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich :  505-346-6601

N.M. Senator Liz Stefanics, Chair of the Senate Land Grant Interim Committee:  505-699-4808

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WHOA’s Open Letter to Sandoval County Manager- Day of Task Force Presentation – (see attached)

The New Mexico First PR Group, aka Senator Udall and Senator Heinrich’s PR firm, along with a Placitan Group, are working to give illegal jurisdiction to the NM Livestock Board (NMLB) and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) over our state’s legally wild horses in Placitas.

This in order to block the use of contraception and cause a round up of many, if not most, of the Placitas Wild Horses. They will then put some of them in a tiny “Sanctuary” or Corral, and then get Placitans to pay for their maintenance in this corral.

The Senators’ PR Group, NM First has put out a survey to the entire state of New Mexico on a channel 7 “news” story, (link below) in order to try and gain support for this illegal “multi-jurisdictional” Board, which they do not have support for in Placitas. Again, they are not openly mentioning, that multi-jurisdictional means the NM Livestock Board and the BLM.  (Please also know, that the NM State Veterinarians are indeed NM Livestock Board employees, and have presided over all the illegal round ups and sales of wild horses in Placitas to kill buyers.)

The likely reason that the Senator’s PR Group NMFirst, is blocking the use of the contraceptive (native PZP), is that once darted with PZP, the wild horses cannot be sold for human consumption.

In the Channel 7 story (link below), two “go-to” Placitas Wild Board members, side-slam the wild horses as fence destroyers and road safety issues, and thereby advocate that the Wild Horses of Placitas be removed from our neighborhoods and the BLM lands where they legally roam free, welcomed by the over whelming majority of Placitans, as proven by independent poll, at 86% !

Moreover in this choreographed Channel 7 story, Channel 7 feigned a “heated debate”, which was actually a one person’s 3 minute rant about owned domestic horses that had gotten out of their corral into the street. Channel 7 also highly inflated more than 2 times, the number of wild horses in Placitas, as usual, stating that there are to 70 to 200 wild horses roaming in Placitas on the story version that aired, but not the one they posted.

Channel 7 never mentions the 1.4 million cattle free ranging in NM (almost as many as people in NM) or the 200,000 Deer, 70,000 Elk, 40,000 Antelope, and thousands of other hooved animals freely roaming in NM, as also shared by WHOA’s president.


PLEASE CALL: U.S. Senators Udall & Heinrich: (505) 988-6511 Udall,  p: (505) 988-6647 Heinrich

+ +Demand they call of their DOGS, (NMFirst) and Placitas Wild, and STOP putting the Placitas wild horses, on the menu over the borders!

+ + Ask them  to allow contraception as legislated under the (WHOA) NM Horse Protection Act of 2007 and initiate a New Mexico Wild Horse License Plate to bring in any needed funding and help grow tourism’s already 84,000 + jobs!

Open Letter to Sandoval County – NM First-Senator Udall

Channel 7 Choreographed Story: https://www.koat.com/article/fiery-debate-erupts-over-how-to-deal-with-growing-population-of-wild-horses/23605428

Posted in ACTION ALERTS!!!, Horse Slaughter, Placitas Wild Horses, Wild Horse Ecotourism, Wild Horse Science | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on WHOA’s Open Letter to Sandoval County Manager- Day of Task Force Presentation – (see attached)

Press Release: Placitans Want the Wild Horses But Task Force and Committee Seek to Determine Their Fate


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WHOA SPECIAL EDITION March 2016 – June follow-up @ bottom

WHOA WINS vs NM Livestock Board in NM Supreme Court – Thanks to Placitans

Court details are in the online newspaper here, also: Which entity should get the Placitas Area Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Lands: WHY and WHY NOT?

WHOA E Newspaper pic2Index:

JUNE 2016 Follow-up:

No Surprise! The June edition of the local monthly tabloid of Sandoval County continues to misrepresent the NM State Supreme Court which upheld WHOA’s WIN, in their tabloid’s current June edition. The tabloid intentionally misleads its community readership and especially it’s Placitan readership again, on a number of points including:

THE USUAL TABLOID – MISLEADING: “In October, the New Mexico Supreme Court declined to hear the case, so now back in the hands of the Albuquerque judge. . . .”

This implies that WHOA lost: NOT SO! The Supreme Court declined to hear the NM Livestock Board’s/Reynold’s request for appeal of the WHOA’s Wins so far. Hence it did NOT dismiss WHOA’s case, and hence, remanded it back for further proceedings in District Court. There is further controversy between the parties to be decided by the courts.

TABLOID OWNER – CAUGHT: The owner and publisher of the local tabloid in Sandoval County was rounding up horses himself, as stated in a Sandoval County Sheriff’s police report (see page 8 of WHOA e-newspaper above). However he refuses to openly declare his conflict of interest to his readership, as journalistic integrity would require, and as formally requested by WHOA.

Upheld by NM Courts – DNA Testing Requirement => Placitas Spanish Horses:


Appellate Court Decision:


NM Supreme Court Decision:


WHOA is winning, so far, for wild horses and habitat in New Mexico based on its NM state legislation passed in 2007.

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Great News!!! Pueblo of San Felipe Press Release (Complete!)

I. San Felipe Pueblo Saves 14 wild horses gathered by Santa Ana Pueblo from       Slaughter!  (This story  hidden from it’s readership by the Sandoval    Signpost, see below.)    

WHOA is investigating. WHOA believes these horses 14 horses could not legally be sent to slaughter due to the recent WHOA Court Case win in the NM Supreme Court  upholding WHOA legislation which defines and protects wild horses in New Mexico as protected wildlife. WHOA is deeply appreciative of the San Felipe Pueblo for their leadership and care regarding the beautiful wild horses which they have always recognized as wild and plan to utilize for New Mexico Eco-tourism.

II. The San Felipe Wild Horse Preserve Story below!

David Bueno Photography_Page_02

””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””San Felipe Press Release - Horses from Adjacent Pueblo Rescued and given Sanctuary at the Pueblo of San Felipe Wild Horse Preserve

http://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcfLyYi7p54 San Felipe Wild Horse Sanctuary

SKM_C554e15110415260  Press release in pdf. here.

Posted in Horse Slaughter, Loop Rd / NE Corridor, Newsletters, Placitas Wild Horses, Press Releases, Uncategorized, Wild Horse Ecotourism, Wild Horse Science | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Great News!!! Pueblo of San Felipe Press Release (Complete!)

Windmills/Water for Wildlife – New Well drilled at San Felipe Wild Life Corridor/Sanctuary

November 6 2015



San Felipe Pueblo – Wild Horse Sanctuary, New Mexico, United States

Martinez - Exec Order Slaughter Press Release-2

November 6 2015



New Mexico, United States

Yet a third “Water for Wildlife” project at the honorable Pueblo of San Felipe has been completed.   This time a brand new well has been drilled and installed, primarily funded by a WHOA grant from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) with generous donations and collaboration with PlacitasWILD and other non-profits. 


This well is in a location where it  can potentially provide water for wildlife on the Bureau of Land Management Lands (BLM) lands contiguous with the San Felipe Pueblo to the north and Placitas to it’s south. These lands are known as the Buffalo strip and are part of the last viable Sandia Mountain wildlife corridor.

WHOA would like to thank the Pueblo of San Felipe for their long term wildlife work the ASPCA for their long term support and PlacitasWild for their collaboration generous donations.

The Windmills for Wildlife project is critically important for the area wildlife including wild horses, in the Sandia Mountain – Rocky Mountain wildlife corridor, as intermittent drought has hit New Mexico in recent years.


Posted in Loop Rd / NE Corridor, Placitas Wild Horses, Press Releases, Wild Horse Ecotourism | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Windmills/Water for Wildlife – New Well drilled at San Felipe Wild Life Corridor/Sanctuary