WHOA SPECIAL EDITION March 2016 – June follow-up @ bottom

WHOA WINS vs NM Livestock Board in NM Supreme Court – Thanks to Placitans

Court details are in the online newspaper here, also: Which entity should get the Placitas Area Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Lands: WHY and WHY NOT?

WHOA E Newspaper pic2Index:

JUNE 2016 Follow-up:

No Surprise! The June edition of the local monthly tabloid of Sandoval County continues to misrepresent the NM State Supreme Court which upheld WHOA’s WIN, in their tabloid’s current June edition. The tabloid intentionally misleads its community readership and especially it’s Placitan readership again, on a number of points including:

THE USUAL TABLOID – MISLEADING: “In October, the New Mexico Supreme Court declined to hear the case, so now back in the hands of the Albuquerque judge. . . .”

This implies that WHOA lost: NOT SO! The Supreme Court declined to hear the NM Livestock Board’s/Reynold’s request for appeal of the WHOA’s Wins so far. Hence it did NOT dismiss WHOA’s case, and hence, remanded it back for further proceedings in District Court. There is further controversy between the parties to be decided by the courts.

TABLOID OWNER – CAUGHT: The owner and publisher of the local tabloid in Sandoval County was rounding up horses himself, as stated in a Sandoval County Sheriff’s police report (see page 8 of WHOA e-newspaper above). However he refuses to openly declare his conflict of interest to his readership, as journalistic integrity would require, and as formally requested by WHOA.

Upheld by NM Courts – DNA Testing Requirement => Placitas Spanish Horses:


Appellate Court Decision:


NM Supreme Court Decision:


WHOA is winning, so far, for wild horses and habitat in New Mexico based on its NM state legislation passed in 2007.

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