Secretary Salazar said “no slaughter of Wild Horses”, But …
While many Americans work around the clock to keep America’s Wild Horses in the West, Secretary Salazar continues his quest to cleanse the West of anything that even appears to interfere with cattle.  Today, in solidarity with the Cloud Foundation and most Americans, WHOA is flying this Banner for not only the Wild Horses but also the Bison, Wolves, Mountain Lions, Bears and the millions of others wild animals killed on our public lands by sodium cyanide, round-up, slaughter, and shooting, apparently as collateral damage of a policy to promote the cattle industry.
Purpose of Secretary Salazar’s Policy – To protect 4 million cattle on public lands, temporarily, as they are also destined for slaughter.
 Americans are losing their Wild Wild West as we speak.
1.     The government is also allowing chemical warfare on 13,000 wild animals and predators per year, using sodium cyanide (Compound 1080).  Under attack are any wild animals that may interfere with cattle ranching on public lands including ecologically important predators like coyotes, wolves, bears, bobcats, and foxes. (per NRDC/Natures Voice)
 2.     Wildlife Services, a division of the Department of Agriculture kills millions of other wild animals at a cost of 100 million dollars per year on our public lands.  More than the entire Wild Horse Budget of any recent year. (per NRDC/Natures Voice)
 3.      In addition the slaughter of Bison from Yellowstone park. There is a fear the Bison may give the cattle back their own disease though it has not happened yet and this is our last pure herd of American Bison.
 4.      Salazar’s also approved this year the delisting of Rocky Mountain wolves from the endangered species list, causing 100 to be killed this year, which Salazar states his scientists determined was OK.
 5.  As Senator, Kenneth Salazar voted to put diseased and downed animals in American’s food supply in the 109th Congress. This more than any other action has given the appearance of a real conflict of interest for Rancher Salazar.  This is the year he earned a ZERO on the United States Humane Society’s voting scorecard. Â
WHOA is asking for a halt to the rampant round-ups of our last large American Wild horse herds. Secretary Salazar has not published a detail plan for the future of the victims of the round-ups and with the US Senate sitting on Wild Horse ANTI – SLAUGHTER  BILLS, this must be stopped. Secretary Salazar must stop the round-ups.
Secretary Salazar has proposed a vague plan to remove most of the Wild Horses from the West, even though the House recently passed the “Restore Our American Mustangs Act” (ROAM Act), which would direct the BLM to restore the wild horses to the wild and protect them from slaughter. Â
 Pease contact WHOA for a list of alternatives
 As Congressman Raul Grijalva stated regarding the ROAM Act, “We must not lose these majestic icons of the West.”
For immediate release;
Patience O’Dowd co-founder WHOA
Links/Relevant data
- Alternatives/Options for the Wild Horse and Burro Program Assateague
- GAO Report WH&B
- GAO Report Humane Slaughter Act
- USDA Data (Head)
- USDA Data (BeefVeal)
- Cattle Grazing educational Tool
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