Thanks to those in power without empathy (1) (2), who manipulate the American people on both sides of the aisle, gaining power and kickbacks from the $85.6 billion/yr {FACTORY} Farm Bill (All the give aways for school lunches and free food programs only create a market for their grizzly, unhealthy products which wipe out our wildlife and fresh water, in pretty packages). At the same time, amassing horse slaughter $$ from the NM border and others, as well as slimy political kudos from those they deceive, divide, and attempt to conquer, all while happily and illegally harming both sentient homo sapien and sentient equine.
Meet ex-Senator Tom Udall as always gas-lighting as the “out door guy”, he set up an Indigenous person to take the fall however willing Deb Haaland has been to silently usher in his PathForward massive round up to slaughter plan and be the face of it. Can you say Indian Scape Goating?

Here in New Mexico where everyone is supposedly a SAFE ACT CoSponsor (a Congressional Bill to close all US Borders to horse slaughter) including current Governor Michelle Lujan Grizzly Grisham who both refuses to close her OWN New Mexico Border to Horse Slaughter but is also fighting WHOA’s win for the Lincoln County Wild Horses of Alto and Ruidoso.
Ex Congressional Representative, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and Ex Senator Udall PUSHER of the meat market plan called the Path Forward, are pro-slaughter and quite Orwellian, and disengenuous.
However, they gladly accepted KUDOS and political insurance for being FALSE SAFE ACT Co-Signers for years.

200K years a go. Look it up! 🙂
THIS STORY IN BRIEF: The Path Forward and the Big GonaCON is a slippery story of wild horse wipe out for USDA approved meat. GonaCON is a wild horse sterilant developed by the government with an adjuvant preapproved by the USDA for use in food animals. The government also developed a darting machine for use with this sterilant which also imbeds a micro chip, thereby ending the use of sometime life saving identification by freeze brand.
The well known contraceptive PZP which does not easily or necessarily sterilze, is purposefully not allowed for use in this darting machine and it is not approved for use in food animals due to mis-categorization as the government does not want the horses managed at any level of population. They want them as meat or gone.
Step 1: Create a hormonal sterilant (Gona-CON) that effectively sterilizes both Stallions and Mares. (Stallions in one shot loses harem stallion role in 6 mos.)
“Six months post-vaccination, serum testosterone concentrations had decreased and the treated stallion had lost his harem stallion role.”
“There is a chance some vaccinated females will become permanently
sterile. Accidental injection of males will result in infertility.” “Accidental injection may cause infertility in
Step 2: Ensure the USDA will allow Gona-CON’s use in food animals or meat market.
The liquid carrier for a vaccine which boosts immune response by making the body think there is an issue using dead parts of a bacterium etc., but is non-disease causing, is called an adjuvant. The government, which has developed Gona-CON has worked to ensure that the adjuvant for Gona-CON is accepted for use in food animals. See page 2 of this link which states
“NWRC has modified and tested a USDA-approved Johne’s vaccine called Mycopar™ as a replacement for
Freund’s adjuvant. Mycopar™ has already been approved for use in food animals by APHIS.” (See Green Sidebar on page 2)
The tricky EPA label states “Do not apply this product to food or feed.” meaning not to put Gona-CON “on” food (see last link in Step 1), to imply it is not made for use in food animals, however, it is. Also, see first page, the USDA-APHIS is the owner of this patent.
Step 3: Create a Remote Control Darting Machine (developed with the government at NMSU).
This machine can dart three horses at once in the chest (FRONT) while eating side by side at feeding stations. This machine also inserts a chip to track who is already sterilized. Remote/machine darting is important because this hormonal sterilant GonaCON, is not safe for humans/women to handle.
Reportedly, the cost is $100,000 per machine. Hence, the $11 million for “contraception” which was recently approved by Congress and was advertised (by those who drink the Kool Aid, or have a conflict of interest), as a WIN for wild horses. This will buy about 50 to 100 of these machines.
Step 4: BLOCK the use of non-hormonal and non-sterilant contraception PZP(1) in this Darting Machine.
Porcine Zona Pellucida called PZP (1) was developed by a non-governmental organization (NGO) (2) (3). HSUS owns the PZP patent though HSUS did not develop it and does not manufacture it. However, HSUS has reportedly disallowed PZP to be darted from the chest (front) thereby tacitly allowing ONLY the government’s sterilant, Gona-CON, to be used in government’s Remote Control Darting machine.
Our native horses and burros are almost gone, despite mainstream media misinformation which also virtually never mentions the 93 million non-native cattle (which outweigh us and out eat us in this nation) vs approximately 0.05 million wild horses in the US . Cattle are also about 1/3 larger than they were 50 yrs ago due to genetic manipulation and 70% of crops we grow, which uses up most of our fresh water, is fed to livestock and both are sent overseas for $$! We don’t even have 1/10th of a million wild horses in the entire US.
Citizens Against Equine Slaughter (CAES) in Oregon has caught the BLM attempting and performing round ups on our native wild horses without the required environmental (NEPA) review and notification of interested parties, as part of their 10-year plan, “The Path Forward” (see Step 5, below). For this and other reasons, we have filed Appeals with the Interior Board of Land Appeals. CAES has also caught and stopped the use of GonaCON at an HMA in Oregon without inclusion in the NEPA process. These 10 year plans are their liscense for fraud behind the curtain.
(1) PZP is disallowed for use in food animals per it’s EPA label http://(3) PZP is disallowed for use in food animals per it’s EPA label because it’s adjuvant though not disease causing can give false positives for TB due to it’s ability to also protect an animal from being infected with TB. This is because an adjuvant called Freund’s Adjuvant though not disease causing can give false positives for TB due to it’s ability to also protect an animal from being infected with TB. However, PZP uses only modified Freund’s adjuvant and Freund’s incomplete adjuvant which do not give false positive results for TB.
(2) Science and Conservation Center, Billings Montana, which sells this contraceptive at a loss for a very low price about $25/ vaccination. No one is gettin rich here.
(3) PZP: Porcine Zona Pellucida contraceptive has been used successfully without the need for one round up, or one adoption, for over 30 years at Assateague National Park (over 45,000 acres most of them very remote as verified on google maps!).
Step 5: Congress Passed the “Path Forward”, a 10-year illegal, disgraceful helicopter roundups and sterilization plan in just ONE congressional session.

“PATH FORWARD”: US Senator Tom Udall planned and announced his retirement on March 25th 2019. Six months later on October 2 2019, the PATH FORWARD was passed and ASPCA gave Tom Udall ALL the credit via email announcement (see picture above, with emphasis added) for PUSHING and successfully passing this disgraceful path to extinction in ONE Congressional session. Tom Udall thereby set up an Indigenous Secretary of the Interior, while he himself, stepped aside.
Cruelly, Tom Udall had neither the Canadian border nor his own NM border closed to horse slaughter transport before passing this huge round up and sterilization plan, cynically called the Path Forward. As a multi-year sponsor of the SAFE ACT (1), which would close the borders to horse slaughter, he well knew the consequences of this plan and of the slaughter it would cause.
Cruelly Again, Tom Udall did not end the inhumane and therefore illegal federal helicopter round ups before passing the Path Forward. (2).
(1) SAFE ACT: This Congressional bill would end American Horse slaughter by disallowing horses to be sent over our borders to be slaughtered in other countries. It has been introduced in various forms since 2015 and it generally has approximately 200 plus co-signers, yet never moves significantly. What do we see, empathy or excuses? This lets us know who is in office.
(2) Likewise, after many years of sponsoring the SAFE ACT as a NM Congress person, Michelle Lujan Grisham (Democrat) became a NM Governor but has not closed the NM border to horse slaughter, as neither did stated anti-slaughter Governor Martinez (Republican). This alone limits their access to the presidency but makes it clear who is running the government, and it’s neither party.
Step 6: American politicians without empathy know that they cannot openly support horse slaughter in the US. Their Answer? Scapegoat the Indigenous!
Politicians have been disgustingly working to scapegoat the Indigenous for horse slaughter in NM since as early as 2007 and after, even dumping horses on tribal lands to try and push them towards slaughter and working towards a horse composting center for federally wild horses in holding pens, calling it “triage” (much info. available upon request). Utah has also been caught up in this effort to PASS the HAT of slaughter off on the Indigenous. (See pics below from the governmentally attended Salt Lake City, Utah Slaughter Seminar Agenda in 2017. Courtesy CAES inspection of public records request (IPRA) to Governor Gary Herbert’s office.)

Deb Haaland, Secretary of the Interior. At Deb Haaland’s pueblo, the Laguna Pueblo, there is no definition of a wild horse. All unowned horses are defined as estray livestock. The Laguna Pueblo hired the previous executive director of the New Mexico Livestock Board (NMLB) Robert Alexander as their Range Management Specialist and he has testified for the NMLB in court against Wild horses and WHOA (and lost) and for Senator Pat Woods at the NM legislature, who has brought numerous NM State bills against NM’s legally wild horses (1) in an attempt to eradicate them as estray livestock.
Moreover, Deb Haaland’s Congressional Field Representative and long time associate since at least 2013, Brenda McKenna, now NM Senator McKenna, is also working with Senator Pat Woods and co-sponsoring anti-wild horse bills (SB 385 of 2021) and other bills to wipe out NM’s state wild horse protections, infavor of private property rights (2). Senator McKenna’s signature ploy is much like that of Utah’s Chris Stewart, she trickily feigns care and safety concerns while doing absolutely nothing for road safety in the Rocky Mountain wild life corridor of the Sandia Moutain. While at the same time, she works to remove protections from round ups in favor of private property rights, though New Mexico is a fence out state for the 1.4 million non-native cattle. It is a fence out state for wild horses also, as WHOA has proven in court. This is what McKenna wants to change, so that property owners can call the NM Livestock Board or any Land Grant, or any other political subdivision of the state to round up wild horses (and specifically the 91 to 95% Spanish Wild Horses of Placitas in her new district), off anyone’s private property, rather than have to put up a fence like they/she would for the 1.4 million free range cattle of her state.
So where does Deb Haaland stand? Who is she really representing? Ask her. She has been loudly silent during these massive and brutal helicopter round ups. Many federally wild horses in Oregon alone have been round up without public notice with all kinds of horrendous injuries for which many have been euthanized.
(1) Ground breaking legislation was passed in NM in 2007 for state’s wild horses won by WHOA and Senator Komadina MD. which WHOA has upheld in court. NMSA 77-18-5. See for 3 court decisions.
(2) There have been 8 bills attempting to undo these protections and one of them in 2021 was even literally against another Pueblo is pro-wild wild horse and the Indian Affairs committee was literally lied to, but Senator McKenna voted for this bill which was killed later. Most of these bills have been by Senator Pats Woods (3) since 2017 after the WHOA court wins, and now Senator Brenda McKenna has joined him in 2021 with Senate Bill 385 (SB385). Here is just one of the duplicitous and misleading to the point of being fraudulent bills: SB126
(3) Senator Pat Woods is the recipient well over $1 Million from the infamous kick back source the Farm Bill. He uses his legislative position to steal our natural resources. Shouldn’t he be happy enough with this pocketfull of free $$$. See EWG working group.
Step 7: Allow the illegal Helicopter Round-ups in the Media/News! Of course! So that Americans can be rightfully appalled at Helicopter Round ups and instead support their sterilization by GonaCON as “humane”.
Helicopter round ups are now in the news, as they have never been since 2004 (1). WHY? They want people to push for Gona-CON as a “better” alternative to helicopter round ups, rather than other, much better alternatives such as PZP. The other humane issue, the Elephant in the room, is slaughter over the borders, which they sleazily refuse to stop. Their sleazy final solution is Gona-CON, the a sterilant that can be used on “food” animals and couched as a “humane” contraceptive, though it will destroy the very family structure that has allowed wild horses to survive millenia.
Two former “HSUS” staffers were at the front of the “anti-helicopter media”. They were hiding behind two new Utah groups with good sounding names. However again, now the use of a sterilant, Gona-CON, can be advertised as a kindness though seemingly an integral part of a disgusting and sleazy plan.
(1) WHOA stopped the helicopters at the USDA FS Carson National Forest through mediation of their Administrative appeal and a huge protest at the Region 3 USDA FS bldg. in Albuquerque, NM. Much media attended, TV stations, radio stations. The Helicopter round up was stopped right in the middle of the round up. After that, the media would only do stories on abandoned and abused horses rather than wild horses or slaughter. This is literally what many reporters have told WHOA.
Step 8: End Freeze Brands and instead use chips compatible with the Automatic Darting Machine.
“Regional Office The Regional Office (RO) purchased 1,000 equine microchips (840 ISO standard 134 MHz). These microchips will replace freeze branding and use of the BLM identification system and meet the 9 CFR requirement for individual animal identification from point of origin. Each horse’s microchip is being registered in the National Equine Registry. The RO has developed a close working relationship with New Mexico State University on wild and feral horse issues in the State, as well as working with the Tribal Nations in the Southwestern Region . . .”
Yes of course, NMSU developed the Gona-CON darter which uses CHIPS!
In Conclusion
This is cruel, without empathy, and fraudulent. This is the destruction of our Natural Resources and collusion in doing so. This is all against our American culture. Our government has spent 50 years secretly and fraudulently working to exterminate our wild horses, while pretending they are not native and pretending to care while slaughtering them. This is clear.
The BLM is run in each state by that state’s Congressional Representatives. That’s why their web pages tell us to come to them for help with any federal agency. However, the elected officials hide how much money they receive from the Farm Bill through kickbacks from the large corporate ranchers or directly to themselves as in the case of NM State Senator Pat Woods and other public officials. The Farm Bill has been around since 1933, it is gigantic, and makes it very hard for citizens to compete for representation from their federal and state representatives.
Suffice it to say that a number of excellent management alternatives are available to the government. However, their only long term plan is native wildlife extinction as well as native flora extinction. This plan in and of itself, is illegal and unreasonable.
These politicians of Congress, and their pawn agencies, have never, ever, wanted these horses actually managed on the range like at Assateague or by their native predators (1). If they had wanted that, they would have done this since 1995. Management by round-up every 4 years is not management, it is meat. (2). PZP ends the meat, without easily wiping out the wild horses. These two end games are their ONLY plan. Easy meat or gone.
(1) Management by native predator of course works too, but native wolves, cougars, and even Bob Cats are also wiped out by cage traps and worse, while their pups and kits die of starvation. No empathy. Why? Again, to protect the meat industry and the 70% of crops grown in the US that feed it’s non-native livestock (Corn, Soy, Alfalfa, Wheat, Sorgum etc.). Not to mention all the mined water which that takes.
(2) The probability that any wild horse lives its life out on the range with their family is effectively zero with round-ups every 4 years. This is a livestock plan, a meat plan. Americans have continuously fought this so hard, Congress is now hiding behind these 10 year scenarios, like the Path Forward followed by (and along with) extirpation by GonaCON for more meat and gone. No empathy.
Some time in their short valient lives (10yrs or less due to cruel and arbitrary “sale authority”), they and their families will seperately become meat over our borders via a horrific and deathly stampede round up of new borns, foals, old, injured, pregnant, and their desperate stallions, working so valiently to defend them. With no transparency (no cameras on the helicopters, these family members also go to their deaths on the run, left behind.) No empathy.
By Patience O’Dowd
Endorsed by Ron Toahami Jackson