Unintended Consequences for the United States
By Patience O’Dowd, WHOA President and Mary McNichols, PhD
Given that there are three states Oklahoma, Wyoming and New Mexico considering Horse Slaughter for Human Consumption;
We ask that you consider the substantial research/documentation which indicates that horse slaughterhouses result in deleterious consequences for communities in which they are located.
As such, we respectfully request that you reconsider the following facts and research.
Unstable market for American horse meat (likely to end on 7/31/13)
Increased Violent Crime Rates in communities in which horse slaughterhouses are located
Decreased Property Values in communities in which horse slaughterhouses are located
Boycotts of Tourist and other Industries, given that 80% of Americans oppose horse slaughter
Negative Impact on Economic Development
Backfire on Slaughter Industry as a Whole
Drug Contamination Issues (American horse meat is adulterated with many toxins, including the carcinogen, Phenylbutazone (Bute)
Recall Liability Issues
Worker Injuries/Death/Turnover
Negative Impact on Environment
The inherently inhumane process of horse slaughter
US Horse Slaughter Plants do not end horse exports for slaughter
Please see the research/documentation below which clearly demonstrates why the any state would not want a horse slaughterhouse.
Read the full document:
UNITED STATES equine slaughter feasibility