Re: Request for Audience Date 2/11/2023
Good Afternnoon Representative McQueen,
I have provided a number of compromise bills, mediations, alternatives, etc. The state seems rabid to continue their 52-year grinder for NM’s wild horse wipe out.
I have sucessfully worked with ranchers using this plan: The WHOA National Plan. Would you please take a few minutes to read it? I could design another for Developers, etc. Along with this, I have also developed mathmatical modelling for the USDA FS and the BLM at no cost.
WHOA National Plan | Wild Horse Observers Association
Undeniably, I and mine are the experts of the state, as proven in court, WHOA v. NMLB I and II, wherein NM called on their state’s experts Dr. Smallidge (NMSU), Dr. Washburn DVM (Veterinary Board Chair), and Dr. Zimmerman DVM (State Veterinarian) but fell short under the science and the law. Not once, but twice.
I have always managed to remain civil because I am a humanitarian. That is a choice I make. I neither set myself up to profit or to harm.
However, Representative McQueen, although I avoid “you” statements like the plague, you and Senator Brenda McKenna went straight after OUR wild horses the minute you were elected to “represent” us, the stupid masses who don’t know what is good for us in Placitas.
Wrong there Matthew, Placitans are a highly educated crew and many moved here BECAUSE of the wild horses.
So why discuss anything with me?
I am now your consitutent.
In all the years you have seen me at legislature, you have never seen me be anything but respectful.
I am representative of 86% of Placitans by independant poll. 90% PLUS by many other polls in the last twenty some years.
Instead, you act on behalf of the monority: 16% of Placitans (including about 100 or less of the SADLH Land Grant), MINING, DEVELOPEMENT/HWY.
The MINING has already taken our water and clean air for years. Those few Placitans that were intervenors in court against the horses and the people, were told NO — due to equal protection under the law, it’s a fence out state, these horses are native wildlife, etc., etc., etc.
We Placitans have been orderly, used the legislative process, and the courts openly and honestly. We have won in the Appellate Court twice. We have paid the court bills against a THUG state whose law enforcement agencies break the law and claim then they are IGNORANT of the law on their $90K/yr. salaries we tax payers pay.
Moreover, our special interest media HIDES the legislative protections and our hard-fought, citizen-paid-for Court Wins for the Wild Ones. The state of NM works like bees at legislature to KILL what the people want, and have fought and paid for, our NATIVE HORSE. Additionally, legislature intentionally left them OUT of the new wildlife corridor laws which tally only accidents for Game Animals and PRIVATELY OWNED CATTLE to determine where to put their corridors.
Wild Horses are not included just because 83% of the people of the US don’t want to shoot or slaughter and eat them. However, the people have compromised with dartable immuno-contraceptioves legislatively in NM for population management because the state has wiped out their native predators. Still, only meat can cross the street in NM. Importantly, and luckily there are very few collisions with wild horses in the state as they are almost non-existant.
Our government has clearly abused its power and continues to: 2023 proposed non-transparent legislation — HB33, HJR04, SJR06, SB301, SB271.
When the wild horses are in remote areas, the government allows them to be shot by the ranchers and hunters. “Shoot-shovel-shut-up” is the motto. If we have them in a community where they can be protected, where there is no Big Ag., then comes special interest government. This will not stand, Representative Mcqueen. It is not necessary, and it will not stand. Just sayin’.
What is the REAL issue? Please meet with your constituent Patience O’Dowd, in Good Faith, Mr. McQueen. If you cannot meet this civil servant and humanitarian in Good Faith, then please let me know and I’ll thank you for your honesty.
Thank you,
Patience O’Dowd – Chemical Engineer
Wildlife Protection of NM – WHOA Voters
Wild Horse Observers Association
PO Box 932
Placitas, NM 87043