Anti- Horse Slaughter Act
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Federal American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (S. 1915)

The 1971 Free Roaming Wild Horse and Burro Act

which as been subject to a stealth rider on the Dec 04 Appropriations Bill signed by the president and sponsored by Senator Conrad Burns of Montana.  Wild equines now lose their legal status and can be sold at auction for any purpose including slaughter and as we know, The US 1958 Humane Slaughter Act is not enforced and half of the horses slaughtered go over seas for slaughter.

Heres How

1. Sponsor a polite bill in your state which never mentions the word slaughter but gives a decision tree for how Estrays, old, sick, healthy, "excess", etc, horses shall be dispositioned. None of the dispostions in the "decision tree" are slaughter, but may include eithanasia or horse rescues etc. This effectively outlaws horse slaughter in your state without mentioning it.

See example bill

In this way we can send a message state by state as well as save our horses state by state. WHOA has the foreboding that while there are 30,000 plus or minus wild horses in federal holding pens, a federal Anti-Horse Slaughter Act may be stalled though we are certainly not giving up on this for even a moment.

2. Take Action on the American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign (AWHPC) action webpage.


3. Organize THE RIDE FOR LIFE  at your state's capitol during their legislative session.

bulletRide For Life

The Ride for Life across the states will get the media's attention and publicize the issue and show the massive support horses have in this country.

4. Sponsor an Anti-Horse Slaughter Bill in your state. Start Now!

bulletState-by-State Anti Slaughter Bill

The state by state ban on horse slaughter will push the Congress to pass the Federal American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act, if not, it will be a good  back-up plan and disable the current attack on wild horses and protect domestic horses at the same time.

5. The Wild Horse Preservation Campaign- AWHPC is part of the National Wild Horse and Burro Planning Group, an ad hoc advisory committee working to formulate and coordinate a national strategy in response to the current crisis.  Click on their site, educate yourself and others.

6. Write, email, fax, and call your US Senators and Representatives  in support of the federal bill and your state's bill. See sample letters to New Mexican representative from last year below.


No bill could help our wild horses more than this! It is now legal for the BLM to sell wild horses at auction which then loose their wild horse status as soon as they are sold.  This is due to the Conrad Burns (R-Montana)  rider rider1.pdf on the Appropriations Bill signed by the president at the end of 2004,

Status of Bill HR 857

Send Federal elected officials a letter of support for the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act

Here is a sample of some of the letters WHOA members have sent our Federal representatives.  Please write your representatives as well, and feel free to borrow some of the ideas from these letters.

Letter to Representative Heather Wilson from WHOA

Letter to Senator Jeff Bingaman from WHOA

Letter to Senator Pete Domenici from WHOA

Find your: US Senator    US Representative

For New Mexicans:

Bingaman, Jeff- (D - NM)
Washington DC Office
703 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-5521
Albuquerque Office
Suite 130
625 Silver Avenue, SW
Albuquerque, NM 87102
(505) 346-6601

Domenici, Pete- (R - NM)
Washington DC Office
328 Hart Senate Office Building Washington DC 20510
(202) 224-6621
Albuquerque Office
625 Silver Southwest, Suite 330
Albuquerque, NM 87102
(505) 346-6791

Wilson, Heather- (R - NM)
Washington DC Office
318 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
202-225-6316 phone
202-225-4975 fax
Albuquerque Office
625 Silver Avenue SW
Suite 340
Albuquerque, NM 87102
505-346-6781 phone
505-346-6723 fax

Udall, Tom- (D - NM)
Washington DC Office
U.S. House of Representatives
1414 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-6190
Santa Fe Office
811 St. Michael's Drive
Suite 104
Santa Fe, NM 87505 (505) 984-8950

Pearce, Steve- (R - NM)
Washington DC office
1408 Longworth
Washington DC 20515
202-225-2365 tel
202-225-9599 fax
Hobbs Office
1923 North Dal Paso
Hobbs, NM 88240
505-392-8325 tel
505-433-8325 fax

Texas Pro- Horse Slaughter Legislation Defeated

Two horse slaughter plants remain in operation in the US, both in Texas. Both have been operating in violation of Texas state law, although their federal lawsuit is forestalling prosecution by the Texas AG.

Some legislators in Texas tried to repeal the law, so that Horse Slaughter would be legal. However, the Humane Society and other groups and individuals deluged the legislators with messages and were able to get the repeal stopped.

bulletHumane Society article


bulletGoogle search for Wild Free-Roaming Act of 1971


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Last modified: 03/03/09