Patience O’Dowd
Wild Horse Observers Assoc. (WHOA)
PO Box 932
Placitas, NM. 87043


Rep. Heather A. Wilson                                                                    July 29th, 2003
318 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515-3101
Phone: (202) 225-6316

Re: HR 857 Anti Horse Slaughter for human consumption Bill (see below)

Dear Heather,

I am requesting that you please look at co-sponsoring this bill for many reasons. For one, people with family values cannot support what the US is allowing to happen to our horses. Americans do not believe in EATING horses themselves.

How can we then take that high ground when we are selling them so that OTHER people can eat them? We appear as a country of hypocrites, or as a people with a hypocritical government.

I have 800 signatures from the Placitas and Albuquerque residents in favor of protecting our horses and over 200 requests from school children of Santa Domingo with colorful horses drawn by them, asking that this bill be finally passed. I can easily obtain more when school opens up again. There are over 11,000 on line petitioners asking for this bill to pass. My canvassing experiences show me that safely 90% of your constituents and their children have much higher expectations on this issue.

Many of these horses are healthy.  Those that aren’t could be humanely euthanized, since as you know from Senator Byrd’s speech during the 107th Congress, the Humane Slaughter Act IS NOT enforced and the result is barbaric and haunting.

Let’s give the 108th a truly compassionate cause and a truly compassionate record.

Please let me know what the status of this is in the Senate, and your position and plans regarding this important bill and this important issue.

Also, the only two slaughterhouses in the US for these horses are foreign owned and provide few bottom of the barrel jobs in Texas. These horses go on unmentionable trips to Mexico and Canada with no food, water, or any comfort to ease their justified fears and terrors.

Let’s also help our ranchers out by reducing or stopping the millions of tons of beef imports from South America. These two actions would more than balance financially for this country.

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help as well.

Thanks Much,

Patience O’Dowd


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Last modified: 03/03/09