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NM Legislation for 2006
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New Mexico Horse Protection Legislation for 2006

WHOA had two bills for the 2006 New Mexico Legislative session, which was a short session.  SM02 was carried by Senator Komadina and SB296 was carried by Senator Papen. 

SM2 IMPROVE MANAGEMENT OF WILD HORSES was a Senate Memorial bill which would thereby enable tourism passed the Senate unanimously.

SB296 PROMOTE WILD HORSE TOURISM was determined germane but did not make it out of the short session, due to lack of time.


SM2 Improve Management of Wild Horses This memorial bill passed and was supported by Governor Richardson and by Ned Farquhar, his chief environmental advisor.  Special thanks go to Bill Sauble, President of the New Mexico Cattle Growers Association, for his  reasoned negotiating.

SB296 Promote Wild Horse Tourism  This bill requested $30K for the New Mexico State Tourism Department. This bill was supported by US Representative Tom Udall. However due to the short session issues it did not make it out.


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Last modified: 04/25/08