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WHOA Seeks Governor Richardson's Support

The Wild Horse Observers Association spoke with New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson's office on several occasions just prior to the El Rito Roundup. 

The following are some of the email traffic between WHOA and the Governor's office.  In the end, the Governor's office committed to WHOA that they would call the US Forest Service and support our request for a postponement until WHOA's questions were answered.

Hello Again Mr. Hume,
  The round-up has not started yet until tomorrow or
the weekend. So we still have time.
 Thanks Much,
   Patience O'Dowd
--- Patience O'Dowd <patience_odowd@yahoo.com> wrote:
>  Good Morning Mr. Hume,
>  I thought that you might want to know that
> Congressman Udall's office and Senator Komadina are
> going to call the Forest Service in the AM and ask
> for
> a stay.
>  Thomas Garcia and Michele Jacquez-ortiz of
> Congressman Udall's office mentioned that it is no
> guarentee and that it would really help if you
> called.
>  Senator Komadina has also called Heather Wilson's
> office as have others.
>  Please feel free to call me at anytime. I am faxing
> the Environmental Assessment to Udall's folks at
> about
> 8:00AM and would be happy to fax it to you as well.
> I
> also have the capture contract if you would need it
> also. 
>  Thanks Much, 
>   Patience O'Dowd
>     Wild Horse Observers Assoc. (WHOA)
>     PO Box 932
>     Placitas, NM.
>         87043
> --- Patience O'Dowd <patience_odowd@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> >  Hello Mr. Hume,
> > 
> >  Thankyou for your time on this matter. 30 horses
> of
> > a
> > 33 to 60 horse herd to be replaced by 387 cattle.
> > 
> >  What we are requesting:
> > 
> > 1. A stay on this round-up based on either of the
> > following;
> >   A. SMJ96
> >   B. This flies in the face of the 1971 Act
> > attached.
> >   C. They are not following their Environmental 
> >      Assessment (See end of attachement 1).
> > 
> >  It is important to understand that it reqires
> > 70-150
> > horses to remain genetically viable. Also that
> > across
> > 7 Wild Horse Territories (National Forests) in
> this
> > state, they plan to have a total of 148 horses
> > between
> > only three of these territories. Four of them have
> > zero horses as we speak see attachment 3.
> > 
> >  Also, the president of the ranchers assoc. in the
> > area agreed to sell 126 of his allotments to me.
> > 
> >  This round-up is costing the tax payers $29K. 
> > 
> >  PLease feel free to call me with any further
> > information requests.
> >  
> > Thanks Much,
> > 
> >   Patience O'Dowd
> >    Wild Hose Observers Assoc. WHOA
> >    PO Box 932
> >    Placitas, NM
> >          87043


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Last modified: 04/25/08