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US Forest Service Acknowledges US Respresentative Tom Udall's Request for Postponement

After repeatedly denying (both publicly and personally) any such request, the US Forest Service finally admitted that US Rep. Tom Udall had requested the Forest Service postpone its planned roundup of Wild Horses in El Rito.

The US Forest Service has also denied any similar requests coming from Governor Richardson's and State Rep. Komedina's offices, although both of those offices also told WHOA that they would be making such a request.

Comments by Patience O'Dowd of WHOA:

These attachment show that contrary to John Merino's statement on video at the Friday morning briefing PRIOR to the start of the round up, he was aware that Congressman Udall's office HAD INDEED ASKED HIM just the day before to postpone this round-up in light of the questions raised by the Wild Horse Observers Association (WHOA).

This begs the following questions.

1. Why did John Merino feel he needed to keep this request for a postponement secret, or evasively skirt a forthright answer to the question?

2. Why did he not raise the issue to the appropriate level?

3. Why did he feel so overly empowered as to mis-represent Congressman Udall's request for a post-ponement, whose office had worked so hard on this issue for the people of New Mexico and for the Wild Horses of New Mexico?

There are many other serious discrepancies such as the environmental assessment statements about the horse population count over 30 yrs vs what the Forest Service is NOW saying; but one other MUST be mentioned.

These horses have survived all the drought and the winter and the horses in the US Foreset Service released photo look healthy.  It's also interesting that the environmental Assessment was only on the horses. The cows were not included.
























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Last modified: 04/25/08